Munich - Altes Rathaus59 views

Munich - Theatinerkirche59 views

St.Mary RC Church - St.Edward the Confessor59 viewsR.McCausland

Hart House Chapel 59 viewsWill Ogilvie 1962

All Saints Kingsway Anglican Church - The Nativity59 views

St.Edward the Confessor Church - Presentation at the Temple59 views

St.Thomas Anglican Church - The Crucifixion59 viewsMcCausland 1913

Holy Redeemer Ang. Church - Angel (from Empty Tomb window)59 viewsRobert McCausland 1927

St.James Cathedral 59 views

Holy Redeemer Ang. Church - Angel of Mercy (from WWI Memorial window) 59 viewsN.T. Lyon 1920

Montreal - St.Andrew & St.Paul Church - Faith59 viewsDsgn Edward Burne-Jones 1875,
William Morris Co. 1903

St.Paul Anglican Church59 views
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