Glasgow - St.Mungo Cathedral33 views

Edinburgh - St.Giles Cathedral - Jephthah's daughter33 viewsEdward Burne-Jones

Glasgow - St.Mungo Cathedral33 views

Richmond Hill - St.Mary Anglican Church33 views

St.Timothy Anglican Church 33 views

Glasgow - St.Mungo Museum - Elijah 33 viewsEdward Burne-Jones - Morris Co 1902, originally installed in Woodlands Parish Church in Glasgow

Glasgow33 views

St.Paul RC Church - St.Paul33 viewsN.T.Lyon

Sandomierz - Muzeum Diecezjalne 33 views

Siena - Fonte Gaia33 views1419 Jacopo della Quercia, replica 1858 Tito Sirrocchi

Assisi - St.Francesco - Lower and Upper basilicas33 views

Rome - Arch of Constantine (frag.)33 views
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