St.Alban the Martyr Anglican Church - detail from St.Margaret of Scotland window39 viewsN.T.Lyon 1919 (coat of arms - Gordon?)

St.Paul Anglican Church39 views

Holy Redeemer Ang. Church - St.John the Evangelist39 viewsN.T.Lyon


St.Timothy Anglican Church - The Transfiguration39 viewsY.Williams

Edinburgh - National Museum of Scotland39 viewsKing from Lewis Chessmen set

Met Cloisters - Theodosius Arrives at Ephesus 39 views1200–1205 Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Rouen, France,

Met Cloisters - Enthroned Virgin and Child39 viewsc.1350 Czech

Brancusi - Mlle Pogany 191339 viewsMoMA

Orvieto - Duomo39 views

Siena39 views

Assisi - Castle of Rocca Maggiore39 views
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